Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Being a woman SUCKS!!!

Ok so this could happen to anyone. It didn't it happened to ME.
Story goes like this I am driving to teach a water aerobics class at aproximately 5:45, I get this horrific pain and overwelming desire to PEE!!! Get there pee and well that hurt.. So like a real trooper I taught the class got out called Eric and balled like a little girl.
I purchase an abnormally large container of cranberry juice. (for those who don't know I have a urinary tract infection or UTI) and a little box that claims it will help me deal until I can get to a doctor.
Now it gets a little graphic weak stomachs should stop now.
Here comes the Blood yes folks blood lots of freaking blood. Call doctor, did that, he is supposed to call me back no such luck. Finally 2 1/2 hours later he graces me with a call. To say come in tommorrow. Well this is getting long anyway I finally got into see the nurse who tells I have to go to the OB department, they can get me in in a couple of days. I am freaking out I pee a torch and did I mention the BLOOD. Enter Dr. Hill my primary care he was walking by in the hall I tell him my little story and he says. Pee in a cup, so I do and sure enough UTI I should be a doctor. But they had to think about admitting me to the hospital, the blood and now a fever. NICE.
Anyway I have been saved by antibiotics, super husband and great friends. Thanks yall
P.S. The car. Water hose blows up nocking off a belt, belt melts to engine, smelly and expensive. Big thanks to Felix V. for waking up to go save Eric from the mechanic late last night and to Deanna for letting me steal her car to go to the Dr.
I need a nap

1 comment:

Chas said...

Holy Crow girl.. you don't need a nap, you need a vacation. So sorry.. I have been there and it sucks. Always happens on the weekend and I end up at urgent care. Good times..