Saturday, August 26, 2006

YES!!! I AM that mom!!!

You know what Mom I mean the one who video taped the whole morning. I from waking her up to leaving her in her classroom. You will notice I took a few pictures. Did I cry yes for a minute it's just that she is all that I have and she is growing up so I called my Mom at 7 am her time and we cried together. I had to keep Eric from going to get her too early he was sure that she wasn't having any fun and that we should pull her out of school right away. She came home I bought her flowers and then we all went swimming. I feel like I never see her I drop her off before 8 and pick her up at 3 but I leave for work again by 4 or 5 and then it is time for her to go to bed. Wow this is long anyway I hope everyone is doing well

Her classroom There they go!!

Fashion Icon

Isn't she cute but notice she is missing another tooth We are so proud

First day of School

She is on her way to graduating!!! Think, she won't stop now until she graduates, that my friends is a big deal!!!
Like the uniform?? She was nervous and frankly so was I.. We just finished week 2 and she still likes it so all must be well.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Little Girls Grow Up

So it is official Jessica starts kindergarten tomorrow. Eric gave her a fathers blessing. She can't even think about school it makes her cry she also can't seem to remember her name when some one asks.
As it turns out she is not in the same class as her little friend which was a bit of a stresser. She doesn't know her address and she did in CT she mixes up our phone numbers so she worries that she couldn't find us, if she needed to. I keep telling her that we won't lose her but she is pretty scared about it all.
School starts at 7:50 AM and gets out at 3:00 PM.
I can't tell you how many stores we went to looking for the perfect lunch box. Since she is going to wear a uniform her lunch box and backpack have to be just so cool.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My brother is here kicking it with us.
He just had an interview with LA Fitness for a sales and or management postion. If he chooses to take it he will be living here with us poor soul..
I have to run to work

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zoom Zoom

This really is my new car. Can you believe it???? I will be sweating a lot to pay for it but oddly enough I am ok with that. Come visit I will take you for a ride:)