Saturday, August 26, 2006

YES!!! I AM that mom!!!

You know what Mom I mean the one who video taped the whole morning. I from waking her up to leaving her in her classroom. You will notice I took a few pictures. Did I cry yes for a minute it's just that she is all that I have and she is growing up so I called my Mom at 7 am her time and we cried together. I had to keep Eric from going to get her too early he was sure that she wasn't having any fun and that we should pull her out of school right away. She came home I bought her flowers and then we all went swimming. I feel like I never see her I drop her off before 8 and pick her up at 3 but I leave for work again by 4 or 5 and then it is time for her to go to bed. Wow this is long anyway I hope everyone is doing well

1 comment:

Beca said...

Wow! Big day. I'm glad she is liking it.