Sunday, November 20, 2005

Parents of a big kid

We went to the pot luck at Jessica's school tonight. There was a lot of food that I did'nt think looked dead let alone etable. But for the most part the food was good.
There is one problem though I am starting to feel like a PTA mom, I am not ready to be a PTA mom at 25. To make matters worse, there is a little boy with a huge crush on Jessica his name is Simon. He is so cute whenever he sees Jessica he says " HI Jessica I am here." All night he was worried that she didn't have enough food and he brought her like 5 juice boxes. Is that the 4 year old equvilant of buying someone a drink? Then during the puppet show he saved her a seat right next to him and his little sister. Should I be worried?:) Financially it would be a good match both of his parents are doctors. So far she doesn't have a draw to bad boys that may not last.


Chas said...

How cute is that?? Simon and Jessica..sitting in a tree. Just kidding.. No rushing on that. Man you seem to spend more time with people at her school than I do. I barely know anyones names. Drop off, pick up.. see ya later. Bad mom..

Natalie Simkins said...

Not a bad Mom. Her school just promotes parents knowing each other.

Deanna said...

That's awesome about Simon. I might have to tease her about that when I get home...